How to have more time in this system?

We live in a society that's not free and we don't have free time. We live in the system. The system that tells you to go to school, get a student loan just to have a debt which you cannot pay, work 9 to 5 to fill the pockets of already rich people and then retire when it no longer needs you. And this society it's ruled by money, some currency with ever increasing inflation with no actual intrinsic value. Money, which has a lot of flaws. Our monetary system based on FIAT is awful. Banks make money out of anything, the money you put in bank are suddenly multiplied and not really yours anymore. This is another matter of fact. The point is we're not free anymore. We can't take a month off to clear our minds, because we would get fired. We are allowed about 3 weeks of "me time" every year. Oh, yeah, and we have a couple of days off during the weekend when we mostly don't rest because we have to take care of the things we did not have time througho...